im not Ready yt...so be patient!

2day was my lucky day,at 1st i head2 my skul 2pass da ticket tat i buy 4jocelyn,n tk bak my notes tat pinjam2 lai ming.den i wanted2 go cls 4testing da model bt lazy instead i go meet KM,well in 2days meet wit her i gt luk tat my group assign pass^^hehe.bt 1ting...i notice tat i wast'n da type 4her,shortly means tat she is nt da type of gurl i luv/like,she reli nid2 change alot in her attitude,character....etc....reli alot even manners!i tink tat she reli fits alvin's place wer dey wil understand each other cz dey r da"lonely"1...no1 2 teach,as im bless2 hav a family wit great honour n moral.is ok if im da oni boy in da family...thx god...luv ya as always^^.bt im nt bless wit wealth tats a bad ting=p,well wat shud i ask more if i hav2 choose either1?hehe.
aniways,i reli hope tat i c big changes in her in future bt 4nw,im nt goin2 tel her tat i luv her n b her gf,as its ture tat im nt 100%in luv wit her bt i feel more disgusted!as i hated her b4 by her attitude cz 1day her close friend told me bout truth bout her,i was schock n immidiatly,its like istant hate her d.since den i didt care mch bout her n even if she find me(tat time la) i don choi her...shh...aiya..she oso dono my blog haha..its ok.

댓글 2개:

yiuyiu :

kuan nvm...^^
still got me this soh poh here!
Not scare...ah yiu here..muakeke XD
Whatever u choose i will always support u! Fighting! study hard o! HAHAHAHA XD

thE daMneD :

thx oh yiu yiu...hehe,ur da best;)