Drama over-view

미안하다 사랑한다
basically dis movie is a sad movie2c....i honestly i didt catch up everyday.the main character in da movie love a gurl tat had married2 a wite man,as da wedding was running,a man wanted2 shoot da bride n groom,so he protect his gurl n kena bullet in his head.the doc manage2 pull1 bullet away bt d other is 2near2 his brain,da risk of taking it out is big.so da story went on where a star was his brother:
so at last he admit his brother,bt he(main char)don bleave tat his mom was cruel!!ok toking bout da main gurl char....she met da main char in australia in a club...where da gurl is working as make up artist4 da guy(pitc above).haiz...lazy2 type,bt aniway at last da guy die bcz of da bullet in his brian n da gurl die bside his grave,cz she love him oso....damn fuking sad man....go hav look of dis movie....

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