hmm...wake up as PC n into my world!1st"ly"i gt tings2 do,my lil sis ask me2 get her photo in front of d photo shop,den i was planning2 go my godmom hse2 play wit d kids!!so long didt play wit dem..xD ok into my world...wen i was traing wit my long didt forge weapon...hand itchy go make1 ..xD syok oh make weapon..den meet sum1 name cal NITO,i ask him gt Vflower(drop by valkarie,damn it)he say gt 38,he ask how many i wan...i say 19...he gave-4free..(outside selling 9-11mil EACH)damn it..later tat i realize it wan 50!!fuk...i stil nid30 2 make tat aura..haiz...also..i lost my magic crasher mode rod...doono sel it or accidentally refine it,(its+9,max10).gotta go hunt again..!!damn waisting time==,lucky i gt 1spare card..den i use my WS2 refine my rod...xD...damn easy...refine til get4 +10rod...xD...tat skill rock man!!...d 1st ting i refine was my own ice 2hand axe,it fail,den 2nd time success,cz lesser risk of making it..den i made a 2hand sword4 my LK,1time success...xD lucky!!

Finally my caRd...i gt it at last(hunt4 half hour)==

This is d flower tat i nid...fuk god damn it,20 oni,left 30 more==..valkaryie le dai lou....

\/..posing wit my dear pet..xD,so hai NPC

+6very strong 2hand axe i made^^proud little

+6 2hand sword4 my knight^^bt its very very Strong...=p

xD...able2 snap wile i was going2 off(tat mage is a champ,d HP so yeng stand..xD)
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