
well...since my sweetheart noe my blog d,i guess i wont b writing mch on dis page.yes i love her ver very mch with all my heart.2day i play wit her,wen she don let me do sumtin,i pretend2ignore her,she tot i was angry;den suddenly she turn her back n its her turn2 nt bother me,den i try2 persuaed her bt i fail,da feeling.....make's me pain in my heart cz she don bother me;n da stupid ting is tat i cry,she tot i cry bcz of da ting she don let me do bt actually its other tings.nw oni i noe how does it feel wen we r being torture by others.i always cry bcz i don wan2 lose my sweetheart,girlsr reli terrifying cz we boys woukd nt noe wats gona happen in future.
Time is reli precious,wen da days pass by u wen ur in luv,we dont noe how mch it had pass bt til wen we stop luving(havin relationship)we notice how selfish we r wen we r alone,without partner.As a "loner"like me,well actually on d outside im nt,bt inside it is;is quite selfish n vengenceful,i hv dark side of me where sadistic action wil i do,who noes!aniway i always hav a will/quote b4 leaving mother earth-4gv me 4my sins, inproper action or life path,al i wan is jz live a hapi,meaningful life,so tat i wil nt regret wen im gone.ask urself wat do u wan in ur life,do u deserve wat u gt?aniway i would nt futher write my words,n dis is where i stop~

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