Woke up early at 6,found the way to the mines...very big...haha,my dad go wrong way,went to da palace of da golden horses,i luv da lake-gt lots of fish.again...im darker again=.=damn it.no tok mch...pict..hehe,oh ya....a night i wanted t go c da performance of dono wat fountain..bt i feel like wasting time,better at play up my CABAL...xD
6th pitc-me wit my cousin wit da coin7th pic-mom,me,n mui mui(my mom....xD)bihind is da wite dragon
8th pitc-mom...tat time adjusting her shoe
15th n 16th pitc...me n my cousin(da drama king..haha),and horses being squirt..xD
tats all of da day...i luv da feeling being at mines wonderland,thou its boring,sight-seeing is worth to go2 c.luv yay mines...dono wen i'l b going der again..T.T